EST. 1916
A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Cathedral Parish School

Protecting God's Children
May God bless you for giving your time and talent so generously to Cathedral Parish School. Our volunteers make Cathedral Parish School a better place because of the unselfish sharing of time and talent.
Volunteer opportunities are announced throughout the year by the school and the PTO. Cathedral Parish School families are required to donate 25 volunteer hours. A minimum of 10 volunteer hours MUST be spent helping with the Cathedral Parish School Festival.
The Diocese of St. Augustine requires all school volunteers to complete fingerprinting, a background check, and the Protecting God's Children program workshop. A certificate of completion from the workshop must be given to Cathedral Parish School as evidence of attendance and completion. In addition, we require three personal references. Fingerprinting opportunities will be announced via e-mail or you may contact the Front Office.
Background checks are valid for five years from date of clearance. If you have already been fingerprinted and cleared through another parish or school in the Diocese of St. Augustine, you do not need to be fingerprinted again for five years.
It is the volunteer's responsibility to obtain and forward the fingerprints/background clearance and/or Certificate of Completion of Protecting God's Children workshop to Cathedral Parish School for our records.
Please sign in at the office each time you come to volunteer. You will receive a volunteer badge. All parents are to wear a badge while on campus, whether they will be in a classroom for just a few minutes or an extended period of time.
Recording Hours
To record your volunteer hours, follow the link to fill out the Volunteer Hours Tracking Form. Please give Ms. Piesco 5 business days to record your hours. Once they have been recorded, you can check your hours on RenWeb in the Family Portal. Make sure that you check for the hours completed under the name you put on the form.